Saturday, December 6, 2008

Puppies First Topknots

This is our first topknot before we left home to visit Grandma, Kelley, Yvonne, & Jesse on Tuesday evening. We had our topknot being done, used the downstairs restroom, and wore the winter harnesses to keep us warm before leaving home.

We had so much fun running around and investigating new territory. We were spoiled and being praised that we were well manner kids repeatedly. When we got home, we were so exhausted and went straight to our bed and slept.

Til next time.

Woof @@Woof@@


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

My mom plans to kidnap both of you, two adorable pups.
Congrats on the very first top knots, you look too cute with or without.

well this sucks said...

You two are so adorable!!!